Empowering Enterprise Agility with Full-Stack Development Talent

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  • Empowering Enterprise Agility with Full-Stack Development Talent

Client Profile

A global IT services provider seeking to enhance its service offerings and increase market competitiveness.


The client faced a growing demand for full-stack developers to meet the evolving needs for its current and upcoming projects, and hence there was a need to upskill existing employees to bridge the skill gap.

Solution By CETPA

CETPA SME implemented a comprehensive full-stack development training program designed to equip employees with the necessary skills to build robust and scalable web applications. Our customized training program included:

  • Curriculum Development: A meticulously crafted curriculum covering front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React), back-end (Node.js, Python, Django, or Ruby on Rails), database management (SQL, NoSQL), and cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP).
  • Hands-on Projects: Real-world project-based learning to simulate industry challenges and foster problem-solving skills.
  • Performance Evaluation: Regular assessments to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
Results After Completion of the Training through CETPA
  • Increased Project Delivery Efficiency: Upskilled employees demonstrated improved productivity and faster project turnaround times.
  • Cost Reduction: Reduced reliance on external contractors by developing in-house full-stack expertise.
  • Stronger Client Relationships: The ability to deliver comprehensive full-stack solutions strengthened client relationships.
Key Success Factors of Our Training
  • We focused on hands-on projects and real-world applications through our experienced trainers
  • We were continuously tracking training effectiveness through regular assessments and feedbacks from mentors

By investing in our full-stack development training, the IT services provider transformed its workforce into a highly skilled and adaptable team capable of delivering innovative solutions to clients.



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